What is the Early Careers Podcast and who are these guys Jack and Ollie? We sat down and interviewed the show’s hosts to find out a little more about what this is all about and what their hopes are for their podcast.
So, who are you guys?
Jack: I’m Jack and this is Ollie. I’m the co-founder of AllAboutGroup.org and Ollie is the co-founder of RMP Enterprise and between us, we help millions of young people figure out what they might like to do in the future and we work with hundreds of firms to them recruit the best early talent into their businesses.
Ollie: As Jack said, we’re in it to help out young people with what is arguably one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make, which is what am I going to do with the rest of my life.
What sorts of topics are you going to be covering?
Ollie: All sorts really, we want it to be the place that covers all topics and issues in the early careers space. Each podcast will be themed on particular issues which we find interesting and think our listeners will too.
Who is this podcast for?
Jack: Anyone interested in early careers, but this predominantly means HR teams, recruitment marketing agencies and suppliers to the industry. We hope to be able to add value in each episode, with some practical takeaways that can be implemented right away.
How often will you be making podcasts?
Ollie: We will be releasing at least one episode each month. It’s really going to depend on your feedback, so make sure you let us know what you like and what you don’t!
How do you guys know each other?
Ollie: We first met at an AGR conference almost a decade ago and we’ve worked on some projects together since then, such as the national work experience campaign we run together each year. We get on and thought that together we might be able to make something people want to listen to, so let’s see!
What’s it been like making the episodes?
Jack: It’s actually a lot of fun. We’ve had some teething problems so we’re learning a lot too from a technical angle but also when interviewing people, what to ask, how to ask people interesting questions and how to get the most out of the interview. We’re definitely going to make sure the next episodes are a little louder and we’re going to be using a better studio for the next ones too and we’ll make sure we turn off the air-conditioning before we start recording!